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ESO 2nd Monday 27th. The second conditional.

In this grammar section  we all must make an effort to make some progress because we are not all together phisically  and I can´t give you  the proper advice  or clues. I want you to listen carefully to this video on the  formation and use of the second type of conditional sentences. Now try to do the following exercises of your student´s book. Pag 56


Today it is time to review the superlatives form again. I attach a video with the explanation again and you have to do the execises listed below for Wednesday.

ESO 3dr. Monday 27th. Reported speech.

Watch the video again on the basic reported speech grammar that I uploaded here 2 weeks ago and and please take a good look at the following  chart (it shows the main tense changes. Now it is time to practice with the  main verb tenses: the PRESENT SIMPLE  do this following exercise please:

ESO 3rd. Monday 20th

Into the wild. PAG 54. READING. Read this text carefully trying to understand the information. (use a dictionary if needed)- Then , proceed to do the activities on page 55. I attach images of the text (it is on your student´s book) an also of the exercises you have to do on page 55. Send me your answers as usual to before wednesday and later I will post all the answers so that you can check out everything. STAY SAFE. Josep Maria

English 2nd. Monday 20th

English 1st. Monday 20 th. Comparatives and superlatives.

SANT JORDI 2020. Wednesday April 15th

For sure this Sant Jordi is going to be a different one, but we, your teachers want to celebrate it with you anyways.. That is why we ask you to write a composition, more than 80 words and less than 200 beginning with: Once upon a time there was a planet called Earth... . Send your writing before Sunday 19th to

1st 2nd 3 rd ESO. English activity for Monday 6th to Wednesday 8th.

My suggestion for these 3 days. Watch this wonderful movie! HAPPY EASTER and remember to send me your answers during the week to!!  QUESTIONS ABOUT THE MOVIE. 1 Did you learn anything  from the movie? If you did, what was it? 2. What is the message of the movie? 3. Who was your favourite character and why? 4. If I ask you to change something about the plot, what would you change? Explain your answer. 5.  What did you like best about the movie? 6. What is the relation between the title and the film? 7. What effect does the end want to provoque?

Activitat cap de setmana 3r ESO.

Hola , us proposo que us mireu aquests  tutorials  de gramàtica on s´explica i introdueix el proper tema de gramàtica que nosaltres hem d´explicar a la Unit 5. Així podem anar guanyant temps i estar en contacte més amb English!! Dieu-me si us ha agradat!!!!

Activitat de segon ESO cap de setmana. MODAL VERBS IN SONGS

Bon cap de setmana , us deixo un link de cançons en anglès on podreu trobar exemples de modal verbs que hem treballat a classe. Dieu-me si us ha agradat l' activitat!!!

Activitat cap de setmana. 1er ESO-

Primer de tot us desitjo un bon cap de setmana i què millor que mirar-se aquest tutorial de repàs de la formació dels adjectius en anglès en grau comparatiu i superlatiu??  Dieu-me si us ha refrescat la memòria! ok!???